Thursday, April 3, 2014


As I witness the behaviors and values which distinguish Albania it is evident t that I need to understand the historical context and the effects of Albania's topography and geographical location.  I have crafted a brief history from several articles and conversations. You will also note references to the cultural evolution model at the bottom of this blog.  I mention the color designations for the stages of  value orientations. (Spiral Dynamics) Thanks for indulging me this short academic approach.  I have added some present observations, and there will be more stories to follow.

Geography, topography and history have influenced the present conditions and  mixed cultural values in Albania today
The topography of craggy mountains and winding valleys of Albania (like much of the Balkans) has historically isolated populations into small isolated tribal clusters.(Red) The characteristics of the tribal world view is still part of the cultural blend found in Albania today.  There is a strong connection to family and the Peace Corps staff here tells us to integrate with our families as soon as possible to be absorbed into their extended circle of protection.  While most interactions on the street are friendly, occasionally groups of men cast intimidating stares and occasionally utter challenging comments.  For the young women in the Peace Corps this type of light harassment is more frequent and bothersome
The cultural evolution to a national identity has been sporadic, largely due to invasions from outside Albania.  Occupiers include the Russians, the Italians, the Germans and the Ottoman Turks.  These invasions attempted to unify the regional groupings into a forced allegiance and traditional values. (Amber). None was more impactful then the 500 year occupation of the Ottoman Turks that has left a lingering influence: gender roles that define male dominance- female subservience, names that reflect Turkish origins, and social customs such as only men out at night.  My host family demonstrates these values as the females do all the house work, prepare and serve the food and clean up afterward.  The husband returns from the town where he has been with his friends.  While the degree varies, we have learned that these are the dominate gender roles throughout the country.

After 50 years under a communist regime (Amber), Albania is emerging into modernity (Orange) which values, rationality, democracy, individualism, and capitalism. This shift is most evident in the capitol city of Tirana where of much of the population has a stronger behavioral blend reflective of a modern worldview.  Genti, our Peace Corps Training Manager who lives in Tirana, has proudly told us that he enjoys cooking for his family and helping out with the routine chores around the house.
Albanian national policy is to transition to modernity and establish economic and social practices required to become a member of the European Union. The Peace Corps has been invited here to help build the capacities necessary to meet that goal.  I have another month of pre-service training, then I will be assigned to a site where I will begin my work.  I can’t wait.

History lesson over, more stories to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Dad for the info! The historical context helps :)
